The UFA Events are a perfect place to let hundreds of people know about your unique products and services. The events are family friendly, filled with action going on all the time and all the while our Vendor Village is available for our spectators to go shopping through our “Mall” of the various products and the friendly people providing services of all kinds.
The Health and Fitness Market is known for the people that make up this demographic and the purchase power concerning anything Health and Fitness related is well noted. However, the diversity of products and services offered at the UFA events are noteworthy simply because the hundreds attending are not one dimensional.
Whether it’s artwork that inspires, pet offerings, words that uplift, clothing for a night on the town or “chillaxing” , jewelry that adorns or services that help evolve the spirit, you can find it here.
The UFA takes a different approach to our Vendors and we invite them to help us for discount rates and in return we help them advertise, promote, and sell.
Click here to register
Once they click then the options below are the what I would like to show on the buy page for them to see.